Sunday, March 18, 2012

6 months

Our little Diesel is 6 months old and I can not believe how different of a baby he is from 2 months ago. All he use to do was cry and I remember thinking what have I done, what can I do and nothing helped him. He simply just wanted to cry. But now he is so happy and such a good baby. He loves his brothers and always wants to be near them but he especially loves his momma. He is always looking around to make sure I am near and if I walk past and don't talk to him or pick him up he lets me know it. For the most part he is sitting on his own, only a few falls here and there, he rolls and moves all over the place and he loves, loves, loves rice cereal.

6 months Old
weight: 18lbs (58%)
height: 28 in (92%)
He still has the prettiest blue eyes
Loving his rice cereal
He is always talking and he has a very deep voice.
I am so glad that I can finally enjoy this Happy little man

1 comment:

Annie Allen said...

I am sooooo GLAD for you that he has gotten to be a happier baby! What a relief!!