Friday, May 27, 2011


Brodyn graduated from preschool last week. I honestly didn't know if this day would ever come. He struggled a little bit at first leaving me and being alone but by the end he had that mastered and he says that he is going to miss preschool but is excited to start kindergarten.
Brodyn and Miss Shannon
Brodyn and Daddy
Brodyn and Mommy
Brodyn and his buddy Caleb
Brodyns whole class (minus 1 boy who was to shy)
Here they are doing a dance and singing a song they had practiced all year long.

Showing all the parents circle time and how smart they all are.I happened to find Brodyns preschool just by chance. I was almost ready to give up and one day I was searching on line getting really annoyed and almost ready to cry and I came across an Add that his teacher had put up years ago (she didn't even remember the add was still up). I swear it was an answer to my prayers. Miss Shannon was so nice and Brodyn learned alot. I will definitely be putting Dredyn in when he is old enough.

Congratulations Brodyn, we are so proud of you and are so excited to start a new chapter in your life as you go to kindergarten. We love you very much and love watching you grow and learn. You are such a great big brother to Dredyn and he loves you very much. You are one special little boy. We love you.

1 comment:

ChadandJess said...

Can you believe he will start kindergarten in the fall. Don't forget your tissues because it will be water works for you.